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by | 13 Aug, 2020 | Sewing

Ten Things to Sew with Boys

When my kids were younger, I had to look hard to find things to sew with boys. I try very hard not to be gender-biased. I don’t believe that gender is binary – so take the title of this post with a grain of salt. What I have noticed, however, is that so many kids sewing projects are directed at traditionally girl interests.

All three of my children (a mix of genders), at different times, showed interest in sewing – perhaps unsurprisingly given my own making. They are not as interested now they are older but I hope they have some skills they can return to later in life even if it is just so they can repair their own clothes.

I believe that all children find sewing fascinating and that all people need basic skills. The aim of this post is to gather together some ideas for sewing things that might encourage a more gender-diverse interest in this important skill. So boy, girl or non-binary, I hope these suggestions will appeal and be motivating and fun for kids to learn to sew.

Ten Things to Sew with Boys (in fact, all kids)

1. Keychains

Image by Craftiness Is Not Optional

Keychains from Craftiness is not Optional (what a great blog title!) Manipulating the machine around curves is tricky so take it slow and don’t be afraid to lift the foot to turn the fabric (leaving the needle in the fabric). And if that is too tricky, there is nothing wrong with making square or rectangular keychains!

2. Softie Friends

Image by cuteaznprincesss on Instructables

Softie Friends from Cuteaznprincesses on Instructables. Just be aware of keeping the shapes pretty simple and largish. Fingers, for example, are very tricky to sew around – and you don’t want them sewing over their fingers!

3. Drawstring Bags

Image by Mumlyfe

Drawstring bags for Playing/Trading cards – or other treasures. My boys were so into Pokemon and Magic The Gathering a couple of years ago. They kept their cards together with elastic bands – or rather they didn’t keep their cards together with elastic bands – so something a bit more durable would have been helpful. Apparently, people make drawstring bags to keep their tarot cards in so why not playing cards? Here’s a tutorial from Mumlyfe for simple drawstring bags.

4. Tic, Tac, Toe Game

Image by Crazy Little Projects

The making of this Tic, Tac, Toe game by Crazy Little Projects might last longer than the game will hold their interest but it’s the process, not the product that is important!

5. Pocket Hand Warmers

Image by V & Co

Here in Canberra, the mornings in Winter are cold! Little hands get cold at the bus stop. Some of these hand warmers from V and Co would be very welcome. Or they could create a game of bean bag toss!


Image by 7 Layers Studio

My kids were always searching for a bookmark just as I said “lights out”! Actually, sometime after I said “lights out” actually! So get the kids to make a few of these bookmarks from 7 Layers Studio (and use up lots of scraps!) and bedtime might be just a littel bit easier!

7. Belts

Image by Crazy Little Projects

Another project from the fabulous Crazy Little Projects. This one might encourage them to wear a belt rather than run around with their pants falling down! Oh, was that just at my house?

8. Pocket Scarf

Image by A Girl and A Glue Gun

What a brilliant idea from A Girl and a Glue Gun – a scarf with pockets. It is a scarf and gloves in one but no gloves to lose!

9. Finger Puppets

Image by Handmade Charlotte

Making finger puppets offers so many creative opportunities! These finger puppets by Handmade Charlotte are the cutest! Size them up for hand puppets.

10. Minecraft Pillow

Image by Hamels Thread

This Minecraft Pillow by Hamels Thread might be a more challenging project but Minecraft usually holds their attention for hours – why not this!

Ok, that’s it for my list of things to sew with boys (and kids of all genders). Have fun! Let me know if you try any of these!

Ten Things to Sew with Boys Pinterest Image