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Ten Great Kids Sewing Sites

Ten Great Kids Sewing Sites

I want to give you a list of great kids sewing sites because great resources for kids who want to sew are a little hard to find. I believe sewing is such an important skill, even if it is just to repair your own clothes to extend the life of them and reduce their...
Ten Things to Sew with Boys

Ten Things to Sew with Boys

When my kids were younger, I had to look hard to find things to sew with boys. I try very hard not to be gender-biased. I don’t believe that gender is binary – so take the title of this post with a grain of salt. What I have noticed, however, is that so...
Learn-to-Sew: Top 5 Tips for Happy Sewing

Learn-to-Sew: Top 5 Tips for Happy Sewing

I’ve talked about how to deal with frustration in Finding your Sewing Zen. Today I give you my top five hot tips for avoiding the frustration in the first place! I’m going to take it for granted that you have your basic sewing kit assembled and you are working...